Thursday, January 13, 2011


Vriksha means tree.  When you do this exercise the body takes the shape of a tree. 

Method: Stand straight and take the right leg on the left as shown in the diagram. The base of the right leg should rest on the left thigh.  Raise both the hands up and join them. Stand in the this position for 30 seconds
to 1 minute and come back to the normal position.  Do the same procedure with the left leg also.

Benefits:  This helps to improve concentration and to reduce joind pain.

This exercise refers to touching the feet with the palms. That is pada ( legs) Hastasana ( Hands).

Method:  Stand straight and take both the hands straight up. Inhale. Keep the feet close to each other. Now

bend forward and try to touch the knees with your head. (see diagram) Keep exhalinb slowly. Stay for 15 to

30 seconds in this position.Initially you should try only this.  Once you are able to touch the knees with your
head try to keep the palms on the floor next to both feet.  Now take the hands down and come back slowly
to the normal position.

Benefits: This exercise is very useful and beneficial for those  with digestive problems. It gives exercise to all

the internal digestive organs like intestine, liver and kidney.  It also reduces back pain.


  The Veer Bhadrasana. This yogic exercise mainly removes the obesity. 

Method: As shown in the diagram lift both hands above the head and join the palms together. Stretch the
hands and keep them straight.  Inhale deeply and keep both the feets away from each other.The distance
should minimum 3 feets and max. as possible.  Start exhaling now.  Start turning the body and the right leg
towards right by 90 degress. While doing so let the left foot turn a little bit to the right. Now bend the right
knee and keep it parallel to the ground. Remain in this position for 30 to 40 seconds and slowly come back
the normal position.  Do the same thing with the left foot.

Benefits:  This a very useful exercise which makes the back and knees stronger.  It reduces fat.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This exercise helps make the spinal cord stronger.  The shoulders and legs are also stretched along
with the back.

Method:  Stand straight with the knees touching each other. Raise both hands above the head
and hold them as shown in the first diagram.  Exhale and bend forward. Try to bring the head
to the knee level. Come back to the normal position slowly.

Benefits:  This yogic exercise improves the spinal cord muscles and helps in improving the balance
of the body.


UTKATASANA: When you perform this exercise it looks as if you are sitting in a chair. It looks very easy but requires a lot of practise to do it perfectly.

Method:  Stand staright with the feet half to one feet apart. . Lift the hands above the head and join them as shown in the diagram.   Exhale slowly and bend the knees  keeping the chest straight. Remain in this position
for 30 seconds.  Now inhale and come back to the normal position.  You can do this even 5 times.

Benefits:  This exercise is very good for those who are suffering from knee pain.
It relaxes the shoulders. It also improves the functioning of the heart and makes the chest stronger.